Our environmental and energy policy
The key principle of our environmental and energy policy is to ensure a secure energy supply and a competitive energy price. Our energy policy also aims to take care of the environment and limit the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.
We view the legislation and regulations related to the environment and energy efficiency as minimum requirements for our operations.
- In addition to energy savings, we utilise renewable energy sources in the production of heat and electricity as much as possible. In energy production, we strive for solutions that further sustainable development.
- We promote efficient energy use in both our own and our customers' operations.
- We maintain the know-how of our staff in environmental and energy efficiency issues.
- We take environmental and energy efficiency into account when planning new purchases.
- We guide our customers in energy-efficiency issues.
- We pay attention to continuous risk management. Our operations must not pose health and safety risks to our employees or third parties. With regard to environmental risks, we carry out preventive work. However, in the event of an environmental incident occurring despite all preventive measures, we seek to mitigate its effects as soon as possible, contact the relevant authorities and openly provide information on developments of the situation.
- We regularly report on our environmental and energy-efficiency measures.